Te Matawai Hut
Recently, the Tararua Aorangi Remutaka Huts Committee (TARHC) signed Community Agreements with DOC Masterton for the management of four huts in the Tararua Forest Park. These are South Ohau, Waitewaewae, Maungahuka and Te Matawai. Herepai hut will also be added to the agreement.
Two of the huts were previously managed by tramping clubs (Maungahuka by Wellington tramping & Mountaineering Club, and Waitewaewae by the Hutt Valley Tramping Club.) Both clubs have along history building and maintai (Waitewaewae, Mountain House, Powell, and Walls Whare). Both clubs will retain an interest in helping to maintain these huts.
This brings all of the 48 non-booked public huts in the three forest parks under the management of community volunteer clubs and groups.
Having all of the non-booked public huts in our forest parks under management agreements by the community is unique in New Zealand and continues the heritage of club participation in tramping and hunting. It has been to ongoing care for these huts that has led to our hut network being among the best in the country.
From the establishment of the first tramping club in New Zealand over 100 years ago (Tararua Tramping Club) huts and tracks were mainly developed and maintained by tramping and hunting clubs. among the huts now managed by volunteers, are the 19 huts (or replacements) built by the NZ Forest Service during the deer culling era.