Alistair Barr and Derrick Field spent few days in at Mitre Flats hut, clearing mainly windfalls of the tracks. Cleared upstream to North Mitre stream, , most of windfalls off the Mitre track, and also towards Atiwhakatu. still few to do there.
Few hunters in the valley and 2 were happy with stags they got. Chainsaw going didnt put them off roaring. Pulled some Blackberry along the track. Now aware of any of this weed pest this far into the forest park

Still more windfalls to clear, from North Mitre stream to Cow creek, and also to Atiwhakatu hut.
Heli transport was again with Amalgamated Helicopters NZ Ltd with pilot Jarod Angland at the helm
Funding for this was from the GWBN that receives an annual grant from DOC Wairarapa.