On 22 february to 25 February, keen trampers from the MT&SC carried out the annual Mangahao Flats hut work party plus additional track clearance between Mangahao Flats hut and Te Matawai hut. The work party was Jenny McCarthy, Adam Matich, Ivan Rienks and Jean Garman. Approx 130 volunteer hours were clocked up (not including driving).
Approximately 20 windfalls of varying sizes were cleared from the track between the No 1 Mangahao Dam and Mangahao Flats Hut using non-powered hand tools. Some windfalls were too large to clear with hand tools. Approximately 15 windfalls of varying sizes were cleared from the track between Mangahao Flats hut and Te Matawai hut using non-powered hand tools. Not all windfalls could be cleared.
The track was re-routed to cross the stream shortly down river from Mangahao Flats hut to a safer crossing point with a short climb onto a river terrace, crossing the terrace and descending to the hut to avoid the section of track that was falling into the river. The work party worked their way upstream from Mangahao Flats hut to Girdlestone saddle then on the Te Matawai hut.
As well as working on the track, the hut got a tidy up. Vegetation around Mangahao Flats Hut was cleared, particularly around the back to facilitate painting and (californian) thistles were removed from the hut environs.
Additional external paint was carried in. The base boards at the rear of the hut were sanded and given 2 coats of paint (see base board photos). a few touch ups were made on some areas of the upper edge of previously painted upper base boards. The gutters that feed water tank and the water tank leaf catcher were cleaned. The deck area showing signs of black algal/mould growth was sprayed with 30 seconds Spray and Walk Away. The Mangahao Flats Hut toilet internal surfaces were cleaned (see toilet photo) and the external surfaces were sprayed with 30 Seconds Spray and Walk Away.
Lightweight rubbish left behind was taken out, while doing the track clearing to Te Matawai hut. Lightweight rubbish was carried out.
All up, the team working on windfalls and other vege over 15.5 kms of track. This is one of the tracks the TARHC have taken on upkeep of under a management agreement with local DOC Wairarapa.
An awesome effort by the Manawatu Tramping and Skiing Club, keeping huts well looked after and tracks cleared so the Tararuas can be enjoyed by many

Amazing work, really appreciated by oldies like myself. Ex NZFS culler 70s