Wairarapa Volunteer News and Views
Summer Edition
Vol. 7 2020

Looking through reports and queries sent in and talking with the Bio Team can see how much time and work has been accomplished by you all – Many Thanks.
Recently we had an incidence report come in from a volunteer who works alone on a regular basis. The volunteer was servicing a trap network at a local reserve which consists of a mixture of DOC200 and DOC250 traps. When re-setting a DOC250 trap, we require staff and volunteers to use a DOC250 setting tool. On this particular day, it had been raining, and the handle of the setting tool was wet. As the volunteer pulled back on the setting tool, he braced his free hand against the opposing wall of the trap box. The setting tool slipped out of his hand due to the wet handle, and the setting tool was propelled into the opposing wall of the box narrowly missing the volunteer’s hand. The volunteer reported this near miss to the local DOC office, and the learnings were had to prevent similar incidents reoccurring in the future.
He had a near miss and came to no harm but we’ll take this time to remind everyone how important H&S is and also reporting incidences or near misses so we can strengthen our work safely policy as H&S is our number one priority.
Moving onto reporting, we really appreciate the reports and photos sent in on work complete for keeping our Volunteer service data up to date and recorded and also helps us to keep the work orders moving and completed. All the work recorded as completed by our clubs/volunteers for reserves/parks/huts/tracks is accredited to the Volunteer work program. It also helps me to put together articles for newsletters.
I need some feedback on whether to continue with these newsletters and also if there is interest in the content of each newsletter, anything that could be added need more articles to include – pictures, club events and reports, anything anyone wants to share.
We wish you all a safe merry and restful Christmas break, Be Well, Keep Safe and Stay Happy from the Masterton Team at the Wairarapa District office.

Date of next meeting is: 15 February 2021 6.30pm Venue to be advised
Minutes will be circulated: via email end of January – copy available at meeting
Intended attendance or apologies to: wgray@doc.govt.nz
New Zealand is at Alert Level 1. DOC facilities are open – including visitor centres, huts, campgrounds and toilets.
DOC is working to support the New Zealand Government’s COVID-19 response, keep everyone safe and stop the spread.
Take responsibility for your health and the health of others, when staying in huts, campsites and lodges and using toilets:
- stay home if you’re unwell
- wash your hands regularly
- take and use your own cleaning and protective equipment. Leave facilities clean and fit for use by others
- keep a record of where you’ve been – tell someone before you go and use the hut intentions books
- huts, campsites and lodges cannot be used to self-isolate.
Hunting and white baiting is permitted.
Preparing for changes in alert levels
It is important to be ready for changes to alert levels, as we navigate through the challenges that COVID-19 presents.
DOC has guidelines for each alert level and the expected impacts it may have on your existing bookings. It is important to be aware of these guidelines and understand the different alert levels, and how quickly things can change.

Grant Applications
Applying for funds is easy. There are forms… but it’s worth the effort with up to $20,000 on offer. You’ll need to build up a project plan, budget and pen some worksite safety guidelines. We have templates for that and it’s all stuff you’ll want to do anyway in preparation for your project.
There are three funding rounds annually. Closing dates for applications are generally at the end of February, May and September each year, however if you’re chomping at the bit with a project that’s time critical you can request we consider it as an interim application.
We’d love to help you out. Pre-application queries can be directed to either the Grants Manager or one of the Trustees.
NOTE: To use the editable pdf application form, download first to your computer, fill in, save and email back to us. Alternatively print it out, fill it in the old fashioned way, scan and email completed application to: grants@backcountrytrust.org.nz
Website Link: https://www.backcountrytrust.org.nz/apply.html

North Island Project Coordinator for Back Country Trust

Based in Rotorua, Megan is a keen pack-rafter, mountain biker, tramper, climber, skier and alpinist. A self-professed topo map aficionado who has a passion for getting well off the track and capturing projects and adventures from behind the lens of a camera. Megan is an Aussie import from about 14 years ago and has developed a strong affinity with New Zealand’s wilderness and a fondness for our unique hut and track network.
Megan’s varied professional life means she brings a range of skills to the Backcountry Trust, having worked in leadership, project management, event management, sales and technical services across a broad range of industries from retail, to media, to industrial gases to construction.
She has experience working with charitable trusts and community and government organizations and currently runs her own business as a maintenance and renovation tradesperson.
Currently, Megan is an FMC executive member, a PRANZ committee member, and the Chairperson of Rotorua Search and Rescue Incorporated. Megan provides day to day organizational support for all our volunteer and Kaimahi for Nature projects in the North Island and can be contacted on: megan.dimozantos@backcountrytrust.org.nz or mobile: 021 804 044
We held a luncheon recently; thanking our volunteers at Donnelly’s flats for their hard work and dedication over the last year, trapping and recording predators at this Mt Holdsworth area and it was really nice to put names to faces:

Merry Christmas All and remember feed back or articles or anything you’d like to see in next Newsletter, please send to