A wet team on top of Mt Reeves
A team of Alistair Barr, Nic Blair, John Duggan and Derrick Field went into Tutuwai hut to finish clearing tracks in the Tauherenikau valley and Lower Waiohine. The team worked on the Tutuwai to Cone hut, Cone Saddle, Omega and Mt Reeves tracks. Nic also cleared regrowth and supple jack off the track to Walls Whare. Windfalls on The lower Waiohine track to Totara Flats were cleared the previous week. The first few days were a bit wet and the sun finally came out for the slog up to the Marchant Ridge via the Omega track.
A total of 25 kms of tracks were cleared over 5 days. Several had been cut previosly and required chainsaw work only. Others needed scrub bar and chainsaw work. A couple of tracks only had light vegetation regrowth and windfalls. other were fairly heavy going. The Stihl Brush Cutter and chainsaw from Stilh Shop Masterton were used.
The Mt Reeves track was cleared, as although public access is barred from the Woodside entrance, trampers are now making more use of the old route to Mt Reeves and Tutuwai, from the Cold Stream at the Walls Whare roadend. There still work to be completed on this track.
Funding for the mahi was provided via an annual funding grant local DOC Masterton provide to the GWBN, and also from the Trust House Foundation (for the completion of the Lower Waiohine tracks).

Getting near the top of Mt Reeves in wet conditions

The tracks cleared