Gerald Leather came in and helped clear the cut vegetation off the tracks
Three days was spent up the Waiohine valley in the Tararua Forest Park tidying up the tracks. The Lower waiohine was re-cut as far as Makaka Creek, and the track to the Cone saddle got a lot of the fern overhanging the track removed. Getting to work involved a one and half hour tramp. Both tracks have a number of tree fall and these will be removed over the winter. Both tracks get plenty of tramper traffic, as was found over the weekend.
Regular volunteer Gerald Leather came along on Monday to help, and Ian Atkinson, keen mountain runner and veteren of many Tararua Southern Crossing races helped out on Thursday.

Before and after – Gerald cleaning up the mess from the Stihl FS460 Scrub Bar

Long time trail runner and Tararua Southern Crossing race competitor Ian Atkinson came in to help

Before and after – Up to 10 hours a day was spent on the tracks, with a total of 76 working hours clocked up. The Stihl Scrub Bar was kept woking for 18 hours over the three days.
Ticking off these two tracks brings to total of tracks maintained since december 2021 to 70 kms in the Tararua and Aorangi forest parks. A further 18 kms of track will complete this years track clearing by the Tararua Aorangi Remutaka Huts Committee volunteers.. Tree falls on the track will be removed usin chainsaw in the near future.
The remaining tracks around Totara Flats will hopefully be recut next summer
Local Department of Conservation provided the scrub bar for our use, and Stihl Shop masterton have generously sponsored gear and matarials for all of our volunteer work on tracks and huts.
The TARHC is supported by Stihl Shop Masterton