The team on day 10. Andrew Bichan, Nigel Boniface, Liz Nicholson, Steve McCabe, Mike Sheridan and Alistair Barr. Ready to head home after a hard day on the track.
Clearing this track for the second time in two years has taken 14 days of cutting using chainsaws and scrub bars amounting to 570 hours of actual vegetation clearing by a total of 17 keen GWBN volunteers.
Clearing bagan from the Pylon roadend, thanks to vehicle access being obtained by one of our team, Jeremy. Two days were spent cutting to Mt Frith. A day was spent by Nic Blair, Ian Atkinson and Jeremy Collyns chainsaw clearing between Mt Frith and Finis. Work then shifted to the Northern end, from Bucks road, with a total of 10 days spent clearing to Mt Finis.
This track links the Pylon road on the Remutaka summint with Bucks road at the Tauwharenikau gorge roadend and camping area. Distance is 9.6 kilometers. This is the second clearing of the track. In 2022 we spent 10 days doing an initial “Catchup” clearing of regrowth, to make the track usuable. Due to the high rate of regrowth of gorse, Rangiora and other regenerating vegetation the track was cut back so that trimming of seedling growth would be easier and quicker in future. And the intervals between major clearing would be greater than the two years that occurs at present.
Many thanks to the continue support for our track clearing, by Stihl Shop Masterton

Heading up the track for another days clearing.

Liz and Andrew in the thick of it. Clearing cut vegetation off the track.

Liz and Alistair, on a cleared section of track.

Nic Blair loaded up with scrub bar and chainsaw, heading back to the vehicles at the end of a long day.

The team the worked on the Southern end of the track.

Liz heading up the track for another days clearing