Ohoto above – Volunteer Liz Nicholson clearing the track on Neill. Tararua peaks behind.
On 22 November, two GWBN teams took to the hills last week, to deal with one of the roughest sections of tramping track in Tararua.
One team were based at the Winchcombe bivvy, for a couple of days, them shifted via helicopter to Maungahuka hut. The team was Jim Hepburn, Andrew Bichan, Mike Sheridan and Greg Thurlow. Task was to clear the well over grown track from Neill to Winchcombe and also install 50 waratahs for marking the alpine route down from Hector to the bivvy. Also install waratah poles over Neill. At Maungahuka, the team was to clear the Southern Main Range track to Aokaporangi.

Liz and Dave Eaton clearing the track on Neill.
A also spent 2 nights camped on Cone then cut their way down to Neill Forks hut, while the gear was flown. The team was Dave Eaton, Ian Atkinson, Liz Nicholson and Derrick Field. Their task was to clear from Neill to Cone, then work to Neill Forks and cut up to Maungahuka.
The work was long overdue. The new Winchcombe bivvy has been a popular destination, but the track conditions have led to at least 2 SAR incidents recently.

The tops from the Winchcome bivvy
On the Southern Main Range, the team found the going hard, thru heavy tussock and flax and constant mud.
At Neill Forks, last days effort was to deal with the Consertina Knob track to Maungahuka. Team Winchcombe also helped by working down from Maungahuka. Liz and Derrick checked out the track from Neill Forks up to Neill.
On 10 January 2025 a further trip was made, to Andersons hut to clear the Main Tange route to kahiwiroa.
Jeremy Collyns, Alistair Barr, Jim Hepburn and Derrick Field flew in with Bill Rainey of Amalgamated Helicopters to Andersons hut armed with two Stihl FS460 scrub bar and two chainsaws.

The overhanging trees and flax was cleared from around Andersons hut
The track to Kahiwiroa was cleared and the team also cleared the alpine route north of the hut for a kilometre.

Jeremy clearing the track on Kahiwiroa.
After finishing at Andersons, the team departed by Amalgamated Helicopters for Field hut, on the Southern Crossing to continue the Tararua track program for this year.

Andersons hut
Some long days worked, by all, and all of our track clearing targets met. Getting the
All this result was enabled by funding from the Backcountry Trust Aotearoa/New Zealand Trust and also a grant from the Carterton District Council . Thanks also to the Te Araroa Wellington Trust for helping to fund the tent sites at Nichols and Dracophyllum huts.