Dundas hut was built in 1961 by the NZ Forest Service during the hut building program to support the deer culling operations in the forest park. The hut is one of 14 6 bunk S70 type Forest Service huts that were built along with 6 2 person “dog box” type bivouacs.
The exNZFS volunteer group have an agreement with DOC to manage this hut. The exNZFS is a group of volunteers that were employed by the NZ Forest Service as deer cullers. The aim of the group is to ensure the historical integrity of these iconic reminders of the deer culling era is retained. This group have management agreements with DOC to manage 12 huts in the Tararua, Remutaka and Aorangi forest parks.
Care must taken in planning trips to Dundas hut There a few exit routes in extreme wind conditions that occur on the Tararua tops. The Ruamahanga river crossing below Dundas hut can be dangerous to cross during raised river levels preventing access to Cattle Ridge hut.
Below – Dundas hut 2020

Photo below; Forest Service deer culler Ken Seccomb at Dundas hut in 1965. The hut initially had an open fire, but with shortages of firewood, was replaced with a wood burning stove.

Below; Building Dundas hut. 1961 (Photo Noel Frazer collection)