Elder hut was built in 2006 by the Department of Conservation. The hut sleeping capacity for 4 persons.
The hut replaces the previous “dog box” type 2 person bivouac built in 1964 that was located slightly in the Hutt Water Supply catchment.
Elder hut is managed by the exNZFS volunteer group. The group have an agreement with DOC to manage this hut.
.Named after Wellington-born school teacher, tramper, pipe-smoker & World War One veteran, Norman Elder (1896-1974). Norman was a member of the Tararua Tramping Club, founding member of the Heretaunga TC, FMC President & a search & rescue volunteer. Norman was a prolific writer, most notably of botanical papers. After retiring as a school teacher in 1954, Norman went on to become a part time teacher in the NZFS. Repainted by exNZFS volunteers in Feb., 2021

Elder hut

Elder hut 2021

NZFS cullers Chris Peterson and ted Smith at the original Elder bivouac. Located 200 metres down the spur in the Hutt Water Supply catchment. (Photo Paul Gush)