On Monday 10 October at the last AGM of the Tararua Aorangi Huts Committee, a new committee was elected. The name change to Greater Wellington Backcountry trust Inc was adopted and the society now operates under the revised society Rules.
A new committee of five general committee members, vice chairperson, chairperson and Tresurer was elected. previously, the TARHC had been managed by a committee of groups//clubs that had management agreements with DOC for the upkeep of huts in our three forest parks.
The new committee comprises;
- Committee; John Taylor, John Duggan, Adrian Regnault, Allan McComb and Mike Thrupp.
- Vice Chair; Brett Gillies
- Chair; Derrick Field
- Treasurer; Owen Cox
- Secretary; vacant
Whereas committee members represented their clubs that managed huts, now the committee is total independent of any club or group.
The significant change, is now the opening of membership up to the wider backcountry community who want to be involved in what the GWBN is doing in their forest parks, and participate where possible.
Since introduction of the Free membership, there have been 80 registrations for joining the GWBN. Of these approximately 55 new members have indicated they will volunteer to help the GWBN with hut and track upkeep.
The GWBN has management agreements foor the ongoing upkeep of 310 kms of tramping track. The society also manages five huts in the Tararua Forest Park. Additionally, 14 clubs, and individuals have responsibility for managing the remaining 42 huts in the forest parks. The GWBn endevours to support upkeep of those huts with funing, where possible.
The GWBN , like the TARHC has in the past, recieves a funding grant annually from DOC. However this falls far short of the amount needed. The GWBN will be looking to seek additional funding opportunities so that our track and hut network is maintained.