As with huts, there is a long history of trampers and hunters developing and maintaining tracks in our forest parks. (see the History page on this website) The GWBN is continuing this tradition, the aim being to ensure all of the official backcountry network is maintained, by DOC and/or volunteers for the benifit of recreational users. As with huts, DOC has insuffient funding to maintain all of the hut and track networks in the three forest parks.
The Greater Wellington Backcountry Network have management agreeements with DOC for the upkeep of 57 tramping tracks totalling 310 kms in the Tararua and Aorangi forest parks. A programme for upkeep of these tracks has been developed and is underway. This is a large part of our track network, that DOC has passed onto the GWBN to manage on behalf of the backcountry community.
The department provides an annual grant to asssist the GWBN maintenance activities. Additionally, the departement also provides a funding grant to the backcountry Trust that has resulted in significant improvements in hut and track upkeep in the backcountry, including our forest parks.
Members of the TARHC also have management agreements with DOC, for two 4X4 roads within the forest parks. These are further detailed in the other pages on this menu.
A long term strategy for ensuring the upkeep of these tracks has been prepared that allows for up to 60 kms of track to be mintained annually. This is calculated to ensure the entire track network is kept maintained into the long term.
Interested in helping with track upkeep? Email us at